Monday, August 18, 2014

Getting to know me!

Day 1! Where to start.....let's see. I am a single Mom of 2 awesome kidos, a daughter, a dad, caregiver, friend, have a career in Interior Design, a home nurse, mechanic, carpenter, electrician, plumber, maid, cook, cheufer, well I think you get the point. Two years ago I divorced my husband (that's a whole story for another day) and have been building my life with my kids since.
So let's talk about these kids. I have a 14 year old daughter and a 9 year old son. Both kids are my rocks. I love them more than life itself and they are who I live for. My Son was diagnosed Type 1 Diabetic almost 5 years ago. October 26th will be the 5 year Di-aversary. My Daughter for the most part is healthy and happy with the exception of developing Bell's Palsey last year. That's a condition where one side of the face becomes paralyzed for no apparent reason. It lasted about 3 months and she is fine now. But we did find a Lypoma on her brain. That we watch but mostly try not to worry about as the Doctor said is common and nothing to worry about. Well its not her kid.....if it were I am pretty sure she would worry. But I try reeeaaaalllllyyyyy hard not to just as she said. At the end of the year we will go in for another MRI. I'll flip out then.....but for now moving on.
Then there is my Mother. Divorced from my Dad 20 some years ago....lonely and 78 years old. She lives with us and I provide all her care. She is a Type 2 Diabetic and early onset Alzheimer's. This is something very hard to deal with and I will surely talk more about this later too.
Work......I work for Uncle Sam as a Space Planner at a Naval Hospital. If you follow politics you know everything having to do with government is cra-cra. But the pay is good, benefits are good and it pretty much takes an act of Congress to get fired. So for me it's a pretty good gig and I deal with it.
So right now I'm at my Son's football practice. This is officially going to be this Maman's blog time. I'm to broke to take online classes we go.
My topics will be a bit A.D.D. because well I got all the wacky stuff anyone can imagine going on and every day brings me new challenges to stay sane.
So there's a glimpse into my world.......can't wait to get to know you all better.

One Cra-Cra Maman